Happy New Year! It's that time of year where people make all kinds of new year resolutions. Two months later those resolutions of working out saving money are gone. I have never been a big fan of resolutions, because I feel like everybody breaks their resolution. Therefore, I never set resolutions, but instead I set goals.
Nothing New Challenge: Month 3 Update
Can't believe it has been two weeks since my last post. The last two weeks have been kind of busy for our family and I had a hard time finding time to write. During the last two weekends, we spent one weekend running a 10k in Galveston and the following weekend running a half marathon in Houston. Both were amazing accomplishments (at least for me). This was my first attempt at a half marathon and I successfully finished!
Nothing New Challenge: Month 2 Update
Talk about a busy month! Not only is school in full motion, but we were quite the travelers in the month of September. There were five weekends in the month of September and we spent a portion of 4 out of 5 of them in a different city/state.
Nothing New Challenge: Month 1 Update
We are one month into our challenge. We got off to a great start, but stumbled towards the end of the month. With the threat of Hurricane Harvey, August may not have been the best month to begin a "Buy Nothing New" Challenge. Despite this threat towards the end of the month, we still did a pretty good job of keeping our purchases to used items very low.
Our Nothing New Challenge
In everything we do with our finances, our goal is always a focus towards financial independence and the freedom that financial independence allows. With that focus, we must make a concerted effort to cut expenses wherever possible.