Year of Frugality: Final Update

Year of Frugality: Final Update

Well, another year is over! The Summit of Coin family just enjoyed a wonderful two weeks off together over Christmas and New Years. It was great getting to spend the time with my wife and kids. We got to spend a lot of time with my wife’s family and we took our girls to look at a light show. Our oldest liked the lights, but was probably still a little too young to get anything out of the lights. She actually liked the slide and running better than looking at the lights.

How Diving into the ChooseFI Podcast Can Increase your Motivation

How Diving into the ChooseFI Podcast Can Increase your Motivation

What is FI? This is the term that my wife and I have been pursuing since day one as a married couple. We have been pursuing the point in our life where we have enough saved that our money is making more money than we are making at our jobs. This is the point at which you have enough money. You no longer need to earn anymore money. To some people this may sound like retirement. This is so much more than retirement. The old definition of retirement is the idea that you have to leave your job at a certain time in your life. That’s not FI. FI is not the idea of slaving away at a job for 30 years and then retiring.

How does a Parent Survive during the Holiday Season?

How does a Parent Survive during the Holiday Season?

Christmas Eve is upon us. We all know the time of year. A time for family gatherings and a time to share gifts with the people that we love and cherish. Every year, I have been a part of gift exchanges and purchased gifts for nieces and nephews, but this is my first year purchasing and feeling the pressure of Christmas morning for our very own daughter.

Year of Frugality: Month 11 Update

Year of Frugality: Month 11 Update

My how things have gotten crazy around the Summit of Coin household. You can probably tell by my lack of posting, but I have had a hard time finding any time to write articles. I am knee deep into basketball season and it has taken a lot of time from my normal writing time. Besides basketball season, we have been busy traveling and going to Christmas parties or birthday celebrations. My normal two to four hours each weekend to work on the website has been dwindled down to nothing.

Year of Frugality: Month 10 Update

Year of Frugality: Month 10 Update

We didn’t do any traveling in October and both of us are officially back at work. This means we are back to our long commutes, and our daughters are both at daycare everyday. This means that we cherish every moment we get on the weekends. We have enjoyed a (free) pumpkin patch, purchased some pumpkins for $20, painted some pumpkins, carved a few pumpkins and have gone for multiple walks and bike rides. We love our walk and bike ride time. It allows us to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy the little family time that we have.