How Bad is Retirement Looking for Millennials?

How Bad is Retirement Looking for Millennials?

Two weeks ago as I was working on some articles for the website, I stumbled on an interesting article about social security. The article was titled, "Millennials and Retirement: How Bad is It?" by Alicia H. Munnell on Politico's website. The article dug into the numbers of savings for retirement. The data that they shared was from a study conducted by the U.S Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, titled, "Survey of Consumer Finances, 1983-2016." In the article, they shared the following graph.

Year of Frugality: Month 5 Update

Year of Frugality: Month 5 Update

Can you believe that summer is upon us? I honestly can't believe that we are diving into summer and less than a month away from the birth of our second child! We are extremely excited for the summer to arrive. This means that baseball is over for me and I have more time to work on my website. So, what did May look like for our family? We celebrated my wife's birthday, mother's day and even celebrated our anniversary (a little early). Our best time to get away seemed to be in May, because June just seemed a little close to the due date.

41 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer that Cost Little or Nothing (Part 2)

41 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer that Cost Little or Nothing (Part 2)

This is the second of a two part series of articles talking about fun and cheap ways to spend time with your kids without breaking the budget. The two articles combined will total 41 ideas. This article in particular will have 21 out of the 41 ideas. My first article, which posted on Monday, June 4, 2018, had 20 of the 41 ideas. Hope you enjoy this list and let me know if you think of any others. Check out the last 21 out of 41 ideas that we came up with (in no particular order):

41 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer that Cost Little or Nothing (Part 1)

41 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer that Cost Little or Nothing (Part 1)

Summer is here and that means that our kids are home. No more school, more free time and more time to drive you crazy! This summer for us is particularly interesting for the Summit of Coin family. We will be having our second child in the middle of the summer (I know exciting, right). By the time our second child arrives, our oldest will be 19 months old. She's in the perfect jealousy age and the perfect age to challenge mom and dad.