One thing that I continue to hear are complaints about the fact that this country has developed a bunch of entitled brats. People who think everything in life should be easy. People who think that they are owed a specific job or that they are owed a promotion. People who think that they can show up to work and push their jobs onto other people. People who complain when things don't go their way. People who want to get rich quick. People who waste all of their money, but hope the lottery will bring them riches.
It's National Save for Retirement Week
I found this picture and knew it just fit this time of the year. Fall is my favorite season of the year, because it involves some of my favorite things to do. With Football season and the build up to the holidays, what is there not to love? I love at how the weather changes from summer to fall. Living in Texas, the summers can be pretty hot, but the fall weather in Texas is beautiful. I have enjoyed many fall days outside in the cooler temperatures this year. Along with the cooler temperatures, comes a change in the color of the trees. The leaves fall and the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges fill the horizons. This is probably one of the things that I miss the most about living in Nebraska. We don't get the full seasons in south Texas, and my only opportunities to see the weather change is to visit the Northern States.
Does Everybody Need Life Insurance?
As a husband and soon-to-be-father, I worry about certain things. I worry about reaching the financial summit, so my wife and I can be financially secure. I worry about a safe delivery for my wife and my future child. I worry about whether they would be okay, when I am gone (And by this I mean financially). I know that losing a loved-one is very difficult, but with money problems it can become even more difficult. I don't want my wife to have to worry about money, if I happen to die early.
$600 Shoes...are you kidding me?
I was completely shocked the other day when I heard that one of my friends was contemplating buying $600 shoes. My response was, "Are you kidding me?" It took all the energy I could muster to talk with them calmly about this stupid decision.
We Can All Be Millionaires
Becoming a millionaire has always seemed like an impossible feat for someone growing up in middle america striving to become a teacher. I had never thought about even reaching one million dollars. I didn't even know it was possible. Most people in this boat, (maybe you are one of them) don't believe that becoming a millionaire is possible. If this is you, then let me be the first (or the tenth or the thirtieth person whichever it is) to tell you: