For anybody out there dealing with the choice that they made to take out student loans, you may be looking for opportunities to find a way to get rid of those student loans. I was able to utilize student loan forgiveness and have made it my goal to educate everyone on the loan forgiveness opportunities available to them.
7 Simple Strategies We Used to Pay Off $29,302 of Debt in 7 Months
In the middle of June, my wife and I got married on a beautiful and humid Texas day. After our wedding, we went to Jamaica for our honeymoon and celebrated with a week long vacation. A honeymoon is amazing, because it is a new marriage with a trip that let's you forget about everything.
We Crushed Our Student Loans using Student Loan Forgiveness
Growing up in Nebraska and being a huge Nebraska Cornhusker fan, I never would have imagined that I would have moved to Texas. But that's exactly what happened in the fall of 2009. I moved to Texas to student teach, because they offered me a paycheck along with student teaching.
One Thing That We can Learn From Rogue One
There is just something about the galaxy far, far away that peaks my interest. I love the characters, the story, the force and the lightsabers. I would even re-enact lightsaber battles using yardsticks with my sister as kids. I have been mesmerized with everything Star Wars and Rogue One was no different. Rogue One was made and developed in a way to honor the original Star Wars movies and I am a big fan of how it showed us a story leading up to Episode IV: A New Hope.
One Year into Our Mortgage: How's it Going?
Last year, I was celebrating the fact that we were debt free in early August. By the middle of August, we had officially purchased a house and were once again in debt. I don't necessarily believe that everybody needs to take out a mortgage to buy a house, but it is the one debt that I accept. It can be okay to take out a mortgage, because a house is an investment. Now, this doesn't mean that you should go and put yourself into 30 years of debt. I am personally a fan of the 15-year mortgage, because I prefer to get debt out of my life as fast as possible. Due to this belief, my wife and I took out a 15-year mortgage and have been making extra principal payments.