
One Thing That We can Learn From Rogue One

One Thing That We can Learn From Rogue One

There is just something about the galaxy far, far away that peaks my interest. I love the characters, the story, the force and the lightsabers. I would even re-enact lightsaber battles using yardsticks with my sister as kids. I have been mesmerized with everything Star Wars and Rogue One was no different. Rogue One was made and developed in a way to honor the original Star Wars movies and I am a big fan of how it showed us a story leading up to Episode IV: A New Hope.

Investing Tools for College: The Texas Tuition Promise Fund

Investing Tools for College: The Texas Tuition Promise Fund

The other day, I was messing around on the internet reading financial articles and I stumbled across a thing called The Texas Tuition Promise Fund. I was intrigued to see what was being offered and decided to do some more research. Texas and other states have college pre-payment programs that can be used by your kids in college. 

The Importance of College Choice

The Importance of College Choice

I continue to hear that America has a student loan crisis. In all reality, it is a crisis. The student loan debt, in America, has now reached $1.3 trillion dollars, with millions of students in default or behind with payments. Some suggest that a way to relieve the student loan crisis is to make college free. Others believe that it would be best to spread the loan payments out over longer terms. 

Student Loans: A Necessary Evil?

Student Loans: A Necessary Evil?

Recently, I have been hearing lots of talk about student loans in politics.  I have just got out from under my student loans, and I don't believe that anyone should ever default on their student loans.  I used teacher loan forgiveness to help me pay off my student debt, but was all of this really necessary?  Are student loans the only way to get through college?